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The goal of the Separating and Divorcing Parent Education Program is to help educate parents about the effects upon their children of divorce/separation and to help both parties minimize the harmful impact on their children whenever possible.


  1. The course language will be presented in a manner sensitive to families' educational, cultural, and social-economical differences. 

  2. The parent education program will provide a minimum of six hours of education with adequate breaks integrated throughout the program. 

  3. The session will directly relate to separation/divorce and the emotional impact on the children involved. 

  4. A reasonable period of time for discussion and questions/answers will follow the session. 

  5. A reasonable number of scheduled breaks will allow parents time to absorb information. 

  6. The program will provide physical, communication, and programmatic access to persons with disabilities as needed. 

  7. Anyone is welcome to take this parenting class. 

  8. Certificates approved by the Delaware Department of Services for Children, Youth and their Families will be provided to all participants who complete all hours of the course.

  9. A $20 fee will be incurred for replacement certificate requests. 

  10. Please feel free to bring a snack to the class. 

  11. Children are NOT permitted to attend the class, and childcare is NOT provided. 

  12. Tuition is non-refundable. 



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